Equus hemionus hemionus Pallas, 1775
Asiatic Wild Ass
Status: Rare species. Globally, according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, the species listed as-Vulnerable; Regional evaluation- Endangered.
Distribution and Range: Until the mid 19th century, Zuungariin and Southern Altai Govi, Omnogovi, Dornogovi, Great Lakes Depression, and Valley of the Lakes. Presently, range spreads in desert-steppe of Dundgovi and Sukhbaatar Aimags, to the east to Buir Lake. They were extinct in the Dornod steppe and eastern Dornogovi Aimag by 1900; and in the Great Lakes Depression and Valley of the Lakes by 1930-ies. Presently, they can be found in Zuungariin and Southern Altai Govi, Omnogovi, western Dornogovi and in southern Dundgovi. Zuungaryn Govi, south east of Omnogovi Aimag, south west of Dornogovi Aimag and southern parts of Govi-Altai, Bayankhongor Aimags or the country’s south west south and southern areas are the 3 main areas for habitation and foraging,
Habitat: Desert and desert-steppe with mountains, hills and plains and valleys between them. Rocky and sandy areas with Poaceae, Artemisia spp., anabasis (Anabasis spp.), Russian thistle (Salsola spp.), Saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron), and pea trees and pea shrubs (Caragana spp.). In the winter, migrate to areas with good grass, snow melt for drinking and shelter from the wind. In the summer, spring and autumn migrate to areas with open water. In the last 200 years they have dispersed from the steppe to the desert. In the last 100 years the range has been reduced by half in the north and north-west.
Population and threats: By mid 1970-ies there were about 15000 khulans, 8000 of which were found in Southern Altai Govi, 1500 in the Great B Govi protected Area, “B” site ( Zuungariin Govi), and 500 in the “A” site (south-west Southern Altai Govi). They had disappeared from the Dornod steppe, Dornogovi, Great Lakes Depression and Valley of the Lakes due to water sources being overtaken by livestock, unregulated hunting, scared away. Beginning of 2000, the population was estimated at 19000 heads, 70% of which inhabiting territories of the Dornogovi Aimag, 20% Omnogovi Aimag, 12% Zuungariin govi, the remainder 1% the Govi-Altai, Bayankhongor Aimags area. By 2003, the population decreased by 60% from 1997; by 2009 it decreased by 19% from 2003. Competition for water and pasture with livestock whose numbers and density per unit of area is increasing with every year in the main habitat for khulan: Dornogovi, Omnogovi and Southern Altai Govi, They are also still illegally hunted. Harsh winters with lot of snow results in loss of pastures leading to high mortality. Foals are often taken by Wolves ( Canis lupus).
Conservation Measures; Hunting prohibited since 1953. Included in the Mongolian Red Book (1987), the Annex I, Mongolian Government resolution #7 “Approval of the List of Endangered Animals “ (2012), CITIES, Appendix I, and CMS, Appendix II. 4 million ha of range in Zuungariin Govi and Southern Altai Govi have been protected within the Great Govi Strictly protected area.
Further Action: Prevent illegal hunting. Reduce competition for water. Provide forage when necessary. Reintroduce to the Great Lakes Depression and Valley of the Lakes.
Study its distribution, population size, and migration trend based on biological research, prohibit livestock pasturing on main habitat area, utilize environmentally friendly technology in mining, implement in lieu fee programs in conservation efforts, explore feasibility of carbon off-set excersise, for instance, reduce environmental degradation, provide food supply during the dzud natural disaster, protect and restore habitat areas rivers, sources, creeks, create water points, reintroduce in the appropriate ranges, improve conservation efforts in specially protected areas, cease illegal hunting, strengthen and enforce control measures, involve local participation in conservation efforts, preserve gene pool.
Эх зохиол, мэдээ: Банников, 1954, 2. Намнандорж, 1964, З. Дуламцэрэн, 1970, 4. Цэвэгмэд, 1970, 5. Банников, 1975, 6. БНМАУ-ын ан агнуурын хууль, 1975, 7. Эрэгдэндагва, 1976, 8.Соколов нар, 1978, 9. Соколов нар, 1980, 10. Мөнхсайхан нар, 1986, 11. Дуламцэрэн нар, 1989, 12. Шагдарсүрэн, 1987, 13. Монгол улсын тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутаг, 1994, 14. CITIES, 1991, 15. Казахстаны улаан ном, 1985, 16.Соколов нар, 1980. 17, Биологийн хүрээлэн, 2003, 18. Биологийн хүрээлэн, 2009, 19. CMS, 2011, 20. Room to roam. Discussion paper, World bank, 2006, 21. Жирнов нар, 2005, 22. Шийрэвдамба нар. 1997. Эх сурвалж: Монгол улсын Улаан ном, 2013
Дэлхий дээр 7 төрөл хулан бий гэж үздэг. Персээр Онагра, хятадаар Кианг, латинаар Экүз, Хэмионус ч гэж нэрлэгдэх бөгөөд адууны өвөгт багтах нэгэн төрлийн битүү туурайтан юм. Хулан адууны овогт хамаарах ч гэлээ гадаад төрх нь илжигтэй төстэй учраас зарим оронд зэрлэг илжиг гэж нэрлэдэг. Хулан ойролцоогоор 130 сантиметр өндөр, 250 килограмм жинтэй байдаг. Энэ үзүүлэлт нь хуланг илжигнээс ялгаж өгнө. Хулангийн туурай илжигнийхээс хамаагүй том, харин чих нь богинохон байдаг.
Хулан Монголоос гадна Иран, Казакстан, Туркменистан, Пакистан, Хятад, Түвд, Турк Арабын хойгт амьдардаг. “хулан” гэдэг нь түрэг гаралтай үг бөгөөд Монголд байдаг хуланг “говийн хулан” гэсэн ангилалд багтаадаг. Хулан сүрэглэн амьдрах бөгөөд нэг азарга сүрэгт 5-11 хулан багтана. Цагт 60-70 километр хурдлах чадвартай боловч дунджаар 40-50 километр цаг давхина. Хуланг олж үзье гэвэл булаг шанд худаг усны дэргэд 2-3 хоног сахиж байж үзэх боломжтой. Хулан усны эх үүсвэрээс холдолгүй 10-15 километрийн тойрогт бэлчдэг бөгөөд усгүйгээр дээд тал нь гурав л хононо. Эрт үед монголчууд хулангийн махыг өргөнөөр хэрэглэдэг байсан тухай Америкийн эрдэмтэн, Монгол судлаач Латтимор бичиж үлдээсэн байдаг. Хулангийн азарга зөвхөн соёолондоо азаргалдаг. Чоно гэх мэт амьтан унагыг барихаар ирвэл тойрч зогсоод дундаа оруулан тал талаас нь тангарсаар байгаад муужруулж орхидог бөгөөд үүнийг Хулангийн тойроо гэдэг. Хулан нь 1986 онд 25000 гэж тоологдсон боловч 2006 оны тооцоо судалгаагаар 18000 орчим болж буурчээ.
Эх сурвалж: Монгол орны лавлах